Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Update to my update...

Well my last posting I typed up a bit ago but did not post until today. A few things have changed since then...so I will update my previous update.

Well I have tried several different times to contact the LibGwibber developers via email and IRC chat-room but no responses on the GetClipboard function. Bummer...I was hoping this was the answer to our problem but I cannot figure out how to use it properly with no documentation on this code.

So Jesse has created a simple GTK window that allows us to pre-load text but we cannot control what social accounts to post because the provided function for this is not working as expected.

I am going to keep working on this part of the project because I really want to be able to use the Gwibber entry window but I do not know if anything will come of it...my fingers are crossed.

Our team also ended up getting a poster together...thanks to Shaun. He really grabbed this side project and ran with it. He produced an awesome poster and is going to show it Thursday. I really appreciate the effort he put into that! Again, the poster he made is impressive!

Well...class is wrapping up. Today in team meeting we discussed our window problem, still no break throughs, and came up with a rough outline of our presentation. We broke up the parts of the presentation to work on and will bring them together to form our rough draft. I am going to work on the 'Experiences' section along with Jesse...and keep chipping away at out pre-loading text issue until we have to submit what we have.


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