Oh boy…guess I need to blog a little more often. I have so much to talk about. Hmm…maybe I should just do less??? Just joking Dr. B, couldn’t do that if I wanted to…it’s not in my nature. Alright, let me get started…
The other day while still researching our possible projects, I set up a Bugzilla account. I did this because I wanted to see the different types of bugs posted for the Banshee project, they use Bugzilla. After creating an account I had to log into my email in order to confirm my account. After confirming the account I could log into Banshee’s Bugzilla site which had all there bugs listed. The list was extensive…I looked at this a positive sign because it looked like there was plenty to address and the project was very active.
Also the other day after doing research on our list of six possible projects, our team selected a top three list. They are Banshee, Lenya and InkScape. All three projects appear to be well documented and developer friendly. They have an IRC channel, mailing list, bug-posting site, forums and other features that will make it easier on us when trying to break into the world of open source. We listed our top three at the bottom of out possible projects page on the team wiki. From the sounds of it, we were leaning towards Banshee so I kind of jumped the gun and started playing with the Banshee project…not surprising at all if you know me.
I became familiar with their site and installed their software on my Linux machine to play with. I like it..looks cool! I don’t currently have any media on my Linux box but I need to put some on there so I can use the program more in depth. I was just ablr to play with the internet streaming features. I want to hook my Android phone to it as well to see how it acts. Oh...just had a thought! I have music on my phone that I can try to import using the program. Ha…first experiment! J Will report on this later…
The other night I took the liberty of subscribing our group to the Banshee mailing list and looked into Banshee’s IRC channel. I skimmed through the documentation offered by Dr. B on IRC setup but decided to just jump in and figure it out. One part I did pay attention n to is the etiquette section. I didn’t want to be that idiot newb looking silly in the chat room because the etiquette is a bit different than a regular chat room. Just for example, staying logged in but not participating in conversation is accepted as normal; only speak when you have a question. As opposed to a ‘normal’ chat room, when you are logged into the chat room you are most likely there to be participating in conversation. It is also acceptable to join a conversation without saying hello and leaving without saying bye. This would seem rude in ‘normal’ chat rooms. After reading I looked up IRC clients and decided to try Pidgin. I installed it and entered the server information found on Pidgin’s website then was able to connect tot the Banshee channel @#banshee. When I logged in it was late and no one was talking about anything but there was about 70 people logged in. So it appears there will be plenty of help available if needed. Yet another positive for this project. Also tried mIRC but prefer Pidgin…I think it is only because of the name???
Finally we come to today, or I guess yesterday…it is a bit past 1AM...(yawn). We had class today and our third team meeting. At the beginning of class each team got up and did a small presentation on their top three projects. Each group had the option to all go up or just one. We thought Shaun could handle the job for our team so he gave our presentation. He did fine. After presenting on the top three we selected our number one project, we had no challengers for our number one so we were able to choose Banshee. This is good because I have already established our communication channels for this project.
After all teams presented we broke into team meetings. Our group took care of some housekeeping issues then preceded to setup IRC clients on the others machines. Unfortunately we could not get connected at school. I had no problems at the house last night so maybe it is something with the school’s network. Any who, those guys are suppose to go home and try to set it up to see if there troubles continue. I am on right now at the house with no problems. Not much happening tonight either…again, many people on though.
Well, think I’m done for this one…g’night!
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